Thursday 31 October 2013

How To Develop A Great Customer List !!!

If your restaurant is deciding to have a special event how do you reach your favorite customers and invite them? If you are stuck, it is probably because you have not developed a customer loyalty list. Here are 3 ways to develop and nurture a great customer list.
  • Ask Them- Don’t simply just put out an email sheet requesting emails. Verbally ask your customers would they like to be a part of the loyalty program. Offer them great offers and inside promotions if they join. For instance we encourage our customers to set up rewards for customer’s birthdays and anniversaries. This is great because it rewards them and makes the customer feel appreciated.
  • Maintain- Don’t just collect customer information and let it sit. All relationships must be maintained. Whether it is sending them a bi weekly newsletter or monthly coupon. Maintain a relationship when you don’t need your customers most, vs. a forced relationship when you really need them.
  • Don’t Abuse- Do not share your customers information with other companies. You may think that your customer may like the business down the street from your restaurant however your customer may not. Sharing information is a HUGE no no. Also be cognitive HOW MANY emails you send a week. I stress this because it you will be surprised how many loyal customers you lose because they are annoyed with too many emails. Do not abuse them. Send no more than 2 emails a week.

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